Experiment: Why you should use “Cookie-Free” domain for static files and images

With this example I want to show how the usage of cookies can undermine effective image caching on websites.

Even though the image filename remains the same, technically, there is a possibility to change the images depending on the cookies the browser has stored.

With Apache, you can point a specific URL to be handled by a PHP script, by adding the following lines in .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^test.png$ /image-test.php [L]

The PHP script image-test.php then parses the stored cookies and uses the value to modify the image content. In this case, we are getting the image from placehold.it with the text on it, which we can set by appending a URL parameter.

header("Content-type: image/png");
$currentValue = $_COOKIE['my-cookie'];
if (!$currentValue) $currentValue = 1;
setcookie('my-cookie', $currentValue + 1);
echo file_get_contents('https://placehold.it/300x300.png?text='.$currentValue);

Now open the URL https://www.yourwebsite.com/test.png in your browser. At each refresh you’ll get another image with another value. The filename remains the same and as you can see, the cache headers are set correctly.

If you keep refreshing this page, the image will change depending on the value of the cookie “my-cookie”

The browser doesn’t know whether an image is static or is returned by a dynamic script like the one above. So each time, the cookies on your domain change, the browser will need to fetch the images again and again. Unless you’re images are dynamic and depending on cookies values, you should avoid loading them from the same domain, as the rest of your page.

Here are some very large and absolutely non-cookie-free images

So I am inserting some very large, full-size images from unsplash.com that I uploaded to this domain for demonstration purposes.

Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash
Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash
Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash
Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Now lets open this page on a 3G network (you can simulate it in Chrome) and see how long they take to load.

Chrome Developer Tools demonstrating slow image loading with throttling set to 3G

Then if you refresh the page, you should see, that the images are delivered instantly – this is because they are cached.

Chrome Developer Tools demonstrating instant image loading when cookies didn’t change

Now if you change a cookie on this domain by , you will see, that the browser doesn’t return the cached images anymore, but fetches them again from the server.

When the cookies change, the images are fetched again from the server

2 thoughts on “Experiment: Why you should use “Cookie-Free” domain for static files and images”

  1. Hi,

    You always refer to Apache.

    A low hanging fruit is substantial performance gains by using NGINX. WordPress is on NGINX and also all Alexa top sites including top performing sites.

    Also using aside opcache Varnish and Redis will make substantial performance improvements on NGINX.

    Apache is the server of the past.

    1. Hi Dominique,
      thank you for your awesome feedback! I will make sure to include description for both.

      I agree that NGINX is more powerful and is the go-to server software when you’re hosting your own server/vps.
      Although the majority of WordPress sites in 2020 still rely on Apache and (sad to say) cheap shared hosting, where .htaccess is essential.

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